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Saturday, October 24, 2009

Takes One to Know One Salon Nov. 21st 1-4pm

Hi peeps,
It's Jordan with some organizational brio calling.
Saturday, Nov 21st, my buddy Borden has offered his windowless loft near Clark and J-T for our Takes One to Know One Salon, an afternoon atelier of new DIY video and perf.
Here is the game plan:

Get back to me by Nov. 2nd if you are interested!
We will be having a "craft night" meet and greet at my house 4863 Jeanne-Mance, on Nov 7th to make the flier and plan the Facefucking/tech needs.
There will be a door charge but it will mainly serve to pay for people's cabs and/or tech needs. Borden is not greedy about the daytime loft usage.

My idea for this salon is to première new works that we have not had the space or wherewithal to show yet, to show something to a small and appreciative audience that we may want to workshop or dialogue about in the future, to give an opportunity to break the interactive video ice. I will be showing a new, non-cabaret, non-comedic, work called jordan/émilienne about family trauma: yay! It does not matter how short or long or rehearsed or not your piece is: *Takes One to Know One* is about vanquishing panic and paranoia and moving on healing action/performance/memory-making. The only theme is "interactive video". I would invite you to forward this, but I have chosen you special few because I feel you know what I am talking about, and we only have the long from 12-4:45 in total, so we have a max of 2hours for the perf'in.

Please let me know if you are interested. I will post this info on where I will also post all the updates on this proposal. I want this salon to be as inclusive and boundary-breaking as possible for everyone involved, and I hope you are stoked.

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